Want to learn about Community Energy?
Listen to Community Energy Wales' Co-executive Directors Ben Ferguson and Leanne Wood discussing community energy and shared ownership on the Leanne Wood podcast.
Local Energy Group Urges Bridgend County Borough Council To Declare ‘Climate Emergency’
Download the Action Plan document (PDF opens in a new window.
The main blog has the press release.
Download the Press Release (Word docx)
Increasing numbers of councils and government bodies across the UK have responded to the escalating urgency of the climate crisis by declaring a ‘Climate Emergency’.
Today, Bridgend Local Energy Group (B-LEG) urges Bridgend County Borough Council to do the same.
Pressure on governments is increasing. In April 2019, the Senedd took the decision to declare a Climate Emergency in Wales, adding to the growing list of towns and cities internationally.
Some councils have specifically stated they want their authority to be carbon neutral by 2030. (Machynlleth was the first in Wales https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-46961053)
A ‘Climate Emergency Declaration’ and supporting action plan would show that BCBC is committed to adopting strategies, policies and procurement processes fit for the future.
B-LEG member, Kris Evans said, “By adopting a Climate Emergency Declaration, BCBC would join other pioneering councils in leading the way.
“We simply cannot afford to hand this problem down to our children. By then it will be too late.”
Watch the Presentation: Porthcawl area local community EV transport consultation
Presentation by Gower Power
Powering local community transport from renewable energy - outline brief for feasibility study
The Bridgend Local Group (developed with help from Sustainable Wales and backed by RENEW Wales) has commissioned a study to demonstrate the feasibility of a community transport service using locally produced renewable energy.
(Feasibility funded by BCBC Reach - Rural Development)
The focus of the feasibility study will be:
to produce an outline business case that explores how a green community transport service could be implemented as a sustainable social enterprise supporting the needs of local people;
to identify and engage with key stakeholders including rural community councils and residents, local project stakeholders including the existing CTA operator (Bridgend Community Transport), and other potential service user groups (e.g. people vulnerable to ‘transport poverty’), in order to develop a collaborative and innovative Pilot service to test a community transport service model;
to identify the most appropriate (including size) vehicular technology available to utilise the renewable energy available from Cenin Renewables;
to understand and outline the cost benefits to rural residents and other project stakeholders of a community transport service subsidised with free renewable energy power;
to review potential for including digital technologies within the project, for example a service user social media group, a ‘bus-locator’, a ‘dial-a-ride’ mobile phone app, or other innovative technology that connects rural residents to key services including specifically the Newton Health Centre as well as other local commercial centres;
to clearly identify and outline the multiple advantages that could be created by a green electric community transport scheme including (but not limited to): jobs, easier access to the health centre and other destinations, reduced parking and congestion in the rural ward of Newton, reduced carbon emissions for transport, and the promotion of locally produced green energy
For further information, please contact Margaret Minhinnick:
01656 783962
YnNiTeg logo
Community Energy Share Offer: YnniTeg now open for your investment
"Our share offer is now live – invest now! You can invest from just £100 and earn an average annual return of 5% over 20 years. Surplus returns will go to a local community fund and to support Community Energy Wales in developing similar projects."
Local Energy Meeting 25 June
New Community Local Energy Group Bridgend Borough Inaugural Meeting January 25th
Sustainable Wales is hoping to establish a local community energy group that will build on the renewable energy work now being undertaken within the county borough.
The first meeting will be held on January 25th 2018, 7pm, The Green Room, above SUSSED, 4/5 James Street, Porthcawl CF36 3BG.
The need for a low carbon future is agreed internationally. Community energy will democratise electricity supply, as highlighted by Sustainable Wales’ earlier Shine a Light campaign.
“Many community groups across the UK are considering how to capitalise on this and create local jobs. However, this isn’t yet happening in Bridgend”, said a Sustainable Wales, spokesperson.
New Community Local Energy Group Bridgend Borough Inaugural Meeting January 25th 7pm The Green Room, above SUSSED 4/5 James Street, Porthcawl CF36 3BG. All welcome.
In September 2017, the Welsh Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths announced she wanted Wales to generate 70 per cent of its electricity consumption from renewable energy by 2030.
The Cabinet Secretary also set targets for renewable energy projects to have at least an element of local ownership by 2020 and for at least one Gigawatt of renewable electricity capacity to be locally owned by 2030.
“The group will become involved in Community Energy Wales and the Renew Wales networks, but will need all types of motivated talent as there is much to do and many ways of working, added the spokesperson. “We look forward to a fruitful evening.” more info contact mm@sustainablewales.org.uk.
Watch: Sustainable Wales visits the 2017 Renew Wales Annual Conference
Sustainable Wales visits the 2017 RENEW Wales Annual Conference to learn how the community groups are influencing the low carbon agenda in Wales.
Thanks to all our contributors :- Paul Allen, ‘Zero Carbon Britain’ Coordinator, Centre Alternative Technology. Robert Proctor, Renew Wales Programme Director/Business Manager Community Energy Wales; Amy Cameron, 10:10 Director of Operations Chris Small, Director Swansea Community Energy & Enterprise Scheme (SCEES)
Other films about community energy here and on our YouTube channel
Producer: Sustainable Wales Productions Film and Editing Eamon Bourke, Park6Productions and Margaret Minhinnick, Director Sustainable Wales.
Bridgend Local Energy Revolution: Workshop Announced
In April Sustainable Wales hosted a public lecture at the Grand Pavilion on local energy. (Listen to the podcast here: https://www.sustainablewales.org.uk/blog/energymeeting0417)
Reach followed this up with a workshop on community renewable energy.
Following the workshop reach commissioned a study to identify opportunities for community renewable energy in rural Bridgend and are in the process of commissioning for a delivery body to deliver a rural household energy awareness and community energy campaign and to project manage one community’s journey through developing and implementing a community energy project of their own. You can find the tender here.
We have since discovered that quietly there has been a lot of activity regarding local energy in Bridgend and Sustainable Wales have agreed to draw attention to these projects and to host a workshop Bridgend’s Local Energy Revolution.
It is an exciting time for local energy in Bridgend County and the event will provide an opportunity to hear about some of the projects currently underway and also an opportunity to discuss what’s next for developing local and community energy in Bridgend County.
Please download here the event invitation and further details. You can also view the invitation document and agenda below (click to enlarge the images).
Kind regards
Geoff Hobbs and Margaret Minhinnick
Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge
Bridgend: FREEDOM energy project - save up to £10,000 on a new efficient boiler!
Exclusive Invitation from Sustainable Wales for Bridgend County Borough
FREEDOM Project trials
24 households are being invited to take part in this FREE pilot Energy Saving Scheme located in Bridgend Borough this summer. 50+ homeowners are already taking part with PassivSystems www.passivsystems.com limited places still available... Details below.
Margaret and Robert Minhinnick of Sustainable Wales have agreed to participate saving between £7-£10,000 on a new combi-boiler and air-source heat pump.
Please contact the company and send a copy to mm@sustainablewales.org.uk
click to enlarge
PassivSystems are managing the world leading project based in Bridgend. It's trialling hybrid heating systems which is a combination of a gas boiler and air-source heat pump.
We are searching for a total of 75 homes in the Bridgend area.
There is a great incentive for homeowners to take part in the trial:
- A free new state-of-the-art hybrid heat pump - this a gas boiler and a hybrid heat pump
- Free installation
- A year of service and maintenance
- Smartphone heating controls – control your heating remotely and set when you want heating at more exact times for you
- Potential savings on your heating bills.
- Gift card rewards for taking part in project surveys and interviews.
- The chance to reduce your carbon emissions and directly improve the Bridgend’s carbon footprint.
Installations will be taking place in July 2017, August 2017, September 2017 and October 2017. An installation typically takes 3 to 4 days, homeowners would be without heating and hot water for no longer than 4 hours (in the middle of the day) over that period.
PassivSystems will be monitoring the hybrid heat pump until April 2018, the project ends in May 2018.
The homeowner will not incur any costs or have to pay for anything. Once the project is complete, the homeowner will have to complete the annual service which is typical of all heating systems.
Download the following information (PDF):
One Wales Energy - Un Ynni Cymru launches!
New Welsh energy start up:
Founders Jon Townend and Jude Cook tell us how the business started:
Jude & Jon
“We’ve known each other for over 20 years and have both worked in the commercial, public and not-for-profit sectors. During that time we have started and run our own businesses providing services to the general public and business communities in Wales.
Most recently we’ve worked together in the renewable energy sector and as partners in our energy consultancy, offering advice to clients in South Wales.
Through our work, particularly with community energy groups, we realised that in Wales we are losing out – at present there is no dual fuel domestic energy supplier actively trading and based in Wales, so most of the money we all spend on energy is leaving Wales
We started to look at ways in which an energy business could offer a fairer and more exciting energy future for Wales, where energy is more affordable and sustainable and people in Wales could benefit from the profits.
One Wales Energy – Un Ynni Cymru was born!
We are totally committed to bringing a new approach to energy supply in Wales. We’ll be offering competitive tariffs, generating profits for investors in Wales, supporting community projects and helping to nurture a cleaner, greener, more resilient domestic energy supply sector.
This is an exciting time as we prepare to launch the business and take our first step towards making One Wales Energy – Un Ynni Cymru into Wales’ leading energy supply company. We hope that families, communities, organisations and businesses in Wales will be proud to join us on our journey and help us ‘put the energy back into Wales.’ ”
Everything we do, from our Wales-based bilingual contact centre to fair tariff pricing, to our business structure and local ownership – is all part of working to achieving this goal.
The Welsh domestic energy supply market is worth £1.4 billion. We aim to secure 10% of that market by 2023 and you could benefit from the profits!
We will run One Wales Energy – Un Ynni Cymru as a ‘profit with purpose’ business. This approach combines a conventional profit-making business with a commitment to supporting social and environmental benefits for Wales.
One of the ways we will do this is through a Community Affiliate Scheme, offering organisations a way to generate a long term income stream, by earning referral and retention fees when their members, supporters, local community etc. switch to us.
(edit 25.07.2017)
IWA Re-energising Wales update - ‘Funding Renewable Energy Projects in Wales’ roundtable
As part of its 'Re-energising Wales' project, the IWA held a roundtable discussion on Tuesday 6th June in order to explore and build consensus on how to take forward recommendations from the IWA ‘Funding Renewable Energy Projects in Wales’ report, launched earlier this year in April.
The roundtable benefited from a diverse group of experts from within and outside Wales, including financial institutions, Welsh Government, Welsh local government pension funds, developers, community groups and others.
The event note, which provides a summary of discussions and agreed actions, can be viewed here on the IWA website.
The Clubb Doctrine; presumed consent for community energy projects
My first hands-on experience with renewables was at Sunseed in 2004 - David Clubb is Director of RenewableUK Cymru
I’ve been working in the renewable energy sector since 2004. Of the thousands of people I’ve met during that time, I’ve never encountered anyone who opposed community energy.
Even the anti-wind die-hards don’t object to community energy — as long as it’s not wind, natch.
You’d think that with widespread public, civic and political support for community energy it would be ubiquitous. But it’s not. Not even close.
Less than 10 MW of Wales’ 2,300 MW of renewable electricity is community-owned. That’s a miniscule 0.4%.
Read the full article at the Institute of Welsh Affairs site:
New Resources added to our energy links page
We've added some more resources to our links and download page devoted to community renewable energy:
PDF An 'Energiewende' for Wales scoping document (regenwales)
A Smarter Energy Future for Wales report - National Assembly for Wales. March 2016 - PDF 5.5mb
Call for Small Scale Renewable Energy Proposals March 2017
Institute of Welsh Affairs:
Re-energising Wales - Funding renewable energy projects in Wales (PDF download)
Questions to ask decision-makers about community energy
- to ask politicians/policy makers Word document (English) and Word document (Cymraeg)
IWA report ‘Funding renewable energy projects in Wales
On the launch of the IWA report ‘Funding renewable energy projects in Wales’, Shea Jones sets out the barriers and opportunities to Wales reaching its climate change targets
‘As a nation, we are rich in energy resources and this provides a tremendous opportunity to fuel our drive for a fairer and more prosperous Wales and to achieve a better quality of life for our own and future generations’.
This statement comes directly from the First Minister’s foreword to Welsh Government’s ‘Energy Wales: A Low Carbon Transition’. Renewable energy across Wales has the potential to substantially boost the Welsh economy and significantly help Wales to meet its climate change targets, however accessing funding for projects across Wales is currently one of the biggest barriers to achieving this potential as outlined in a report published today by the Institute of Welsh Affairs.
The report ‘Funding Renewable Energy Projects in Wales’ highlights the missed opportunities and the main barriers to being able to raise financial capital from within Wales for renewable energy schemes in order to ensure that wider economic and social benefits are retained locally. It is the first report to be launched as part of the IWA’s ‘Re-Energising Wales’ project which will set out a plan to enable Wales to meet its projected energy demands entirely from renewable sources by 2035.
Read the full article download the report
Shine a Light screening at Public Meeting, Porthcawl April 6th
Shine a Light? will be screened at a public meeting – Producing our own energy - GRAND PAVILION, (STAGE DOOR), Porthcawl, 7.30pm, Thursday April 6. Event details
Register your interest in coming: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/public-meeting-producing-our-own-energy-tickets-32530788464
The event, organised by Sustainable Wales, includes guest speakers from Community Energy Wales, RENEW Wales, Cardiff University and IWA-Institute Welsh Affairs.
Feed-in Tariff cuts not the end of local community energy schemes
Feed-in Tariff cuts not the end of local community energy schemes
There have been a number of concerns raised recently about the future of community energy - withsome local groups understandably worried about cuts to Feed-in Tariff rates. However Graham Ayling, Head of Energy Saving Trust Foundation, thinks its time is coming.
'There's no denying that the past year has been incredibly tough for community energy groups who've put their heart and soul into projects, only to have to go back to square one as government policy changed. However, this is an incredibly resilient sector, full of people determined to drive forward action on climate change and bring about a fairer, more democratic energy sector. It isn't about to roll-over and give up.
In the short-term, there's still a lot going on as many community groups pre-registered for the Feed-in Tariff (FiTs) so their projects should go ahead. For example, there's a great project we've been involved with in Swansea, where the council is setting up a community solar PV scheme in some of its most deprived areas, with the aim to directly benefit those wards. These schemes will make the sector stronger, generating income for new community projects, as well asrenewable energy.'
Full article at WCVA site.
The rise of green energy can't be stopped
The UK missed its target to generate 10 per cent of its electricity from renewable sources in 2010, but, just 5 years later in 2015 was up to nearly 25 per cent:
"It's incredible growth and a pattern that's being repeated globally. This is the future. Look at solar PV - a few years ago there was no financial payback, now it's on the verge of becoming one of the cheapest ways to generate energy. Uptake has been way beyond what anyone expected, because it's a popular technology. This isn't going to go away.
In the past, there was a perception that making a greener choice was always a compromise, but now people can see that the technology is good and can fit in with their lifestyle. It's really going to take off. What's needed now is policy that recognises and grabs the opportunity.'
Ultimately, Ayling is confident the DIY culture of community energy will see it through current challenges. He added:
'Community energy has always been about going out and doing it regardless. Of course funding helps, but it feels like we're on the verge of finding ways to do without subsidy if needs be. Then, who is going to stop it?'
Campaigning to support renewable energy Shine a Light? The next steps…
Campaigning to support renewable energy
Shine a Light? The next steps…
The aims of ‘Shine a Light?/Golau Newydd?’ are to profile local community energy, to educate, and to provide an effective campaigning tool.
A vital step should be to develop new partnerships. Importantly, these must include Local Authorities.
‘Shine a Light?/Golau Newydd’ directly challenges local politicians ‘to wake-up and smell the coffee’ as one contributor, Alan Simpson, says.
But there must be mutual benefit, and the community energy network must be better at communicating our approach.
We cannot expect the excellent Robert Proctor to do it all!
Community Energy faces many obstacles but ‘Shine a Light?’ outlines the potential in local jobs, community involvement and regeneration, whilst reducing our local carbon footprint.
What we learned in the making of the film is that those who work on community/local renewable energy projects are real local heroes.
As director I attempted to become familiar with the often intricate detail of renewable projects. Often, many years of activists’ lives are dedicated to community renewable energy.
The people we interviewed for the film – from Bro Gwaun to Awel Aman Tawe to Taf Bargoed to Cenin at Parc Stormy, clearly had to learn on the job. Often the hard way.
Yet it is unlikely that politicians can or will get to grips with community energy, unless there is a groundswell of support from the public for local renewables.
However, who does stand out is former Labour MP, Alan Simpson. It is Simpson’s enthusiasm for local energy that originally inspired Sustainable Wales to make ‘Shine a Light?’?Golau Newydd.
Everyone at our charity feels that there is enough international evidence, and certainly a moral case, to ensure far better provision of local energy.
But we understand that these heroes have to spend so much time getting projects off the ground that little opportunity remains to explain either their difficulties or their projects’ virtues.
Excellent advocates and communicators such as Alan Simpson are vital. But it’s also important that ‘practitioners’ become lobbyists, as Paul Kent, Dan McCallum, Tom Latter and Martyn Popham have proved.
Others in the network need to help. It isn’t enough for the environmental NGO’s to campaign, local energy practitioners have to become more vocal as we develop a local economy fit for the twenty-first century.
Shine a Light? / Golau Newydd? was the only Welsh made film in the 2016 UK Green Film Festival held in Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff. (Screened May 6).
The discussion afterwards was thoughtful and stimulating. Sue Essex (former Welsh Assembly Environment Minister) commented on the importance of providing evidence such as ‘Shine a Light?/Golau Newydd’ for politicians.
Crucially, everyone agreed, the film must be screened as widely as possible, using all social media.
“The community energy movement needs to innovate; to find new ways to bridge the gap between where we find ourselves today and the arrival of grid parity”, comments Leo Murray Director of Strategy 10:10 in “Community Energy The Way Forward”.
Sustainable Wales also wishes like to make further high quality films about local energy. They could profile:
- *good practice wherever it might be found;
- *the benefits that local renewable schemes can bring to particular areas;
- *the importance of ‘energy clusters’ such as Cenin, at Parc Stormy, Porthcawl;
- *new ways of financing;
- *local partnerships;
- *social benefits;
- *battery storage;
- *obtaining a greater share of the retail value of the energy;
- *reclaiming the Grid.
Your suggestions are very welcome. Letters of support and creative ideas would also assist in grant applications, crowd funding, etc.
Sustainable Wales believes that well made film can communicate in a uniquely powerful manner. But to achieve high quality production, we require funds.
Film and funding ideas should be sent to: Margaret Minhinnick mm@sustainablewales.org.uk
Community Energy questions For Political Parties - downloads
Community Energy questions For Political Parties
Sustainable Wales and Community Energy Wales have set out some of the challenges and opportunities for Locally owned Energy in the following resources.
This is a guide to some questions you could put to candidates in the upcoming 2016 Welsh Elections.
You can download these questions as a Word document. The questions can also be downloaded in the form of a letter to send to your candidate:
Word document (English language version) and Word document (Cymraeg) for printing.
RTF document (English language, works in most word processors and text editors or copy and paste into your email etc.) 121kb
Members of Community Energy Wales want to see:
- Targets for community energy in Wales
- A right of local supply
- Easing of the planning process for Community Renewables
- Measures to address grid constraints
- A community right to buy in Wales
- Co-ordinated and co-designed support for Community Energy in Wales
Questions to ask...
Have you seen Sustainable Wales' Film on Community Energy? How would you address some of the issues and opportunities outlined in the film?
Would your party advance the recommendations outlined in a ‘Smarter Energy Future For Wales’ prepared by the National Assembly Environment and Sustainability Committee published March 2016 to support the transition to Renewable locally owned energy supply in Wales.
- Establish an umbrella ‘not for profit’ energy services company, which would allow LA’s city regions or communities to offer an energy supply locally.
- Urge UK government to enable OFGEM to allow prioritisation of local supply to local people.
- Aim to meet all of Wales energy needs from renewables in the context of a need for a carbon emissions reduction by 2050.
- Establish that carbon emissions and reduction targets become local duties for local authorities.
- Have a greater say in how the grid, Distribution Network Operators and energy companies operate.
- Provide and facilitate support for energy storage to promote local supply.
- Amend and streamline planning policy to prioritise local and community owned renewable projects.
- Provide support for and advice for local community energy projects at all government levels assisting and working with CEW and partners such as ROCBF on alternative financing options for schemes.
What can Wales do to overcome the challenges imposed by the UK government in Westminster with the reduction of the FIT and the removal of the Enterprise Investment Scheme for those investing in Community Owned Energy?
- Would your party support a separate Welsh ‘Feed in Tariff’ for renewable energy or community owned renewables generated in Wales.
- Enable the use of Public buildings and land for Community Owned Energy
- Buy your energy from local Welsh sources of Renewable Energy
- How would you propose to overcome the challenges of an outdated and constrained electricity grid in Wales
- Should there be a ‘Welsh electricity grid’ and who should own it
- Should Welsh Government invest in upgrading the grid where there are constraints?
Why isn’t your party communicating more clearly the urgency of climate change?
It seems likely that the nuclear power plant at Hinkley C is not going to go ahead. What is your alternative, how is locally owned Energy part of the solution?
What Energy powers should be devolved to Wales?
Chapter Cinema Cardiff screening & Discussion of Shine a Light? 6 May 16:30
Shine A Light? Screening & Discussion
Wales/20mins/2016/NC Dir: Margaret Minhinnick
Shine a Light?, a 20 minute politically challenging film, supports the idea of democratising our energy supply, bringing ownership and profit back into communities whilst reducing climate change. Local energy schemes are massively important in Germany and other EU countries, whilst the UK lags far behind.
Filmed by Park6 Productions for the charity Sustainable Wales, it features former MP Alan Simpson, Professor Calvin Jones and local groups and a superb soundtrack from Twm Morys.
Join us for a post-screening discussion with the Director, Editor and representatives of Community Energy Wales.
Free but ticketed, drinks reception afterwards.
See our invitation mailed out recently
- See more at: http://www.chapter.org/shine-light#sthash.ST3vlt5B.dpuf