Voicing Sustainable Wales support and scaling up climate action together.
The future is here
A wide range of blog articles published by Sustainable Wales.
The future is here
Voicing Sustainable Wales support and scaling up climate action together.
A follow up meeting Climate Clever Conversations was held on 14 February 2024 above SUSSED, James St Porthcawl. Listen to the recording here.
Read MoreHi Tide Inn, Porthcawl Mackworth Road, CF36 5BT. All Welcome.
Monday, Jan 29th 2024, 7pm
Three x 12 min. Films, Each Followed By Debate and Discussion
Guests include BCBC Leader Huw David
(Filmed in Porthcawl. Join our climate conversation. This event supported by Welsh Government)
The films are produced by charity Sustainable Wales and film company Mud & Thunder and financed by ‘Warm This Winter UK’, the ‘Postcode Lottery’ and Sustainable Wales. We are grateful for their and Climate Cymru’s support.
‘Sleepwalking into Climate Change?” is a series of three twelve minute films, largely filmed in Porthcawl. They aim to locate climate change in the place where we live and will be used to stimulate debate and action locally.
“The lack of political leadership nationally and public response locally to this major issue is depressing.” said Sustainable Wales Director, Margaret Minhinnick.
Ella’s conversations include the public, school students, scientists, academics, NGO’s (WWF Cymru, Community Energy Wales), community groups, Cenin Renewables, the Hi Tide and politicians.
Climate concern is definitely expressed. Young people sound confused because they can’t see any action. We emphasise that urgent collaboration is essential.
Wide distribution is planned, plus local ‘Climate Conversations’ i.e. discussion groups held to bring people together and motivate action.
Margaret Minhinnick, the films’ co-Producer commented that:
“We have a cocktail of crises to face. The cost of living, energy, plus climate and ecological emergencies across the world.
“A serious decarbonising strategy - reducing energy use, increasing homegrown renewables and affordable transport is now vital.
“Though government targets commit us to reaching net zero carbon emissions, we see new licenses announced for more gas and oil fields!
“We require government to lead, yet time is short.
“Thanks to the grant awarded by (Warm This Winter UK – supported by Climate Cymru) Sustainable Wales decided to produce a series of films to bring this serious issue ‘home’ i.e. Porthcawl) assist debate and encourage action locally.”
By involving other young people Ella begins to find out how people feel locally.
Street ‘vox pop’ comments come from the local public, conversations are held with undergraduates, school students, and street placards were made.
Parc Stormy
“But it’s not all doom and gloom!” Ella insists. “We filmed Parc Stormy, Cenin Renewables, a cluster of renewables above Porthcawl https://cenin.co.uk/home/ . “.
“Porthcawl is actually powered by this renewable energy. Also the High Tide arcade has a roof of solar panels. Important solutions can exist.”
“The young people we filmed want answers but are not despairing. Yet they express confusion at the lack of urgency locally.
“The contributors make an articulate case for clear, visible, local and national climate action, in Bridgend Borough and Wales itself.” commented Margaret.
The Sustainable Wales ‘Better Porthcawl Partnership’ will use this series of films to organise public discussions. These should reinforce the need to act, thus:
· challenging ourselves, local politicians and government to drive action in response to the climate and ecological emergency, energy security and the cost-of-living crisis.
· helping people come together, sharing ideas and planning positive actions to make change.
The films will also be available on our YouTube channel and be distributed via community groups, local schools, social and print media in Bridgend across Wales.
Please subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/@sustainablewales
Episode 1: Conversations - with the public, students, and scientists, regarding the climate crisis and the why we need to act now.
Episode 2: What's happening? - Discovering the people and organisations responding locally with a focus on local energy.
Episode 3: Community leadership - Is the climate challenge too big and what can we do as a community?
Contact us: please use the usual contact form
Politicians: Sarah Murphy Member of the Senedd
Cllr Huw David, Leader Bridgend Borough Council
Cllr Jonathon Pratt Porthcawl Town Council
Earth Day Livestream – April 22nd – Nature in the Race to Zero
EARTHDAY.ORG, together with our partners, is proud to present the Earth Day Climate Action Summit. We need to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century to keep the global temperature below 1,5°C. Join us to learn about some key solutions that will help us deliver the greenhouse gas reductions needed by 2030 to meet the Paris Agreement.
Watch here: https://youtu.be/zLqk6VTF97c
12:00 PM EDT Environment in Time of War
Kathleen Rogers, President of EARTHDAY.ORG
Iryna Stavchuk, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine for European Integration, Ukraine
Carl Bruch, Director of International Programs, the Environmental Law Institute (ELI)
Stefan Smith, Senior Programme Manager, Disasters & Conflicts, UNEP
Michael Bothe, Professor Emeritus of Public Law, J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main
José R. Allen, International Environmental Lawyer, the Environmental Law Institute (ELI)
Watch Jenipher Sambasi and Elen Jones from Jenipher’s Coffi discuss the creation of Jenipher’s Coffi and the climate change implications of agroforestry.
(Jenipher’s Coffi is available at SUSSED)
Public Health Wales has published a series of infographics highlighting the importance of climate change impact on the health and wellbeing of the population of Wales, and to support public bodies and businesses to take action to address any impacts.
Launched to coincide with the Council of Parties 26 (COP26), the infographics focus on the relationships between the natural environment and health, the population groups affected and some of the key health and wellbeing impacts of climate change and those population groups who could be affected.
Download the infographics from Pubic Health Wales, examples from the multiple page infographics are below.
Click to enlarge
Updated July 2022
Visit https://www.zerohour.uk/bill
From the https://www.ceebill.uk/ website:
CEE Bill - Creating a Constituency Campaign
Download guide doc here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nWngEAQlccKnG8NoXay4Q2int5hUd5suHFQ0CXlN3kM/edit
Parliament declared a Climate Emergency back in 2019 – but actions haven’t matched their words. An emergency requires strong, decisive action to reverse the climate and ecological crisis.
Enter the Climate & Ecological Emergency Bill.
The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill is a Private Member's Bill first presented in the UK Parliament in September 2020 by Caroline Lucas MP, along with supporting MPs from seven political parties. Over the last year, it's gathered the backing of over 140 MPs and Peers from all major parties – as well as from hundreds of organisations, businesses and local councils. For the full list of our supporters, click here. In June 2021, we took the opportunity provided by the new 2021-22 parliamentary session to update and strengthen the Bill, which you can read in full below. You can also read more about Private Members' Bills on this website.
Why do we need the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill?
Drafted by scientists, legal experts, ecological economists and environmentalists, the CEE Bill is designed specifically to reverse the climate and ecological breakdown we're facing.
The Bill requires the UK to take responsibility for its fair share of greenhouse gas emissions, to actively restore biodiverse habitats, and to stop damaging our natural world through the production, transportation and disposal of the goods we consume.
Tabled by Caroline Lucas MP (Green), the Bill now has support of 110 MPs across 8 political parties, representing England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
June 25 2019,
Climate Emergency
Increasing numbers of councils and government bodies across the UK have responded to the escalating urgency of the climate crisis by declaring a ‘Climate Emergency’.
Today, Bridgend Local Energy Group (B-LEG) urges Bridgend County Borough Council to do the same
Pressure on governments is increasing. In May 2019, the Senedd took the decision to declare a Climate Emergency in Wales, adding to the growing list of towns and cities internationally.
Some councils have specifically stated they want their authority to be carbon neutral by 2030. (Machynlleth was the first in Wales https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-46961053)
A ‘Climate Emergency Declaration’ and supporting action plan would show that BCBC is committed to adopting strategies, policies and procurement processes fit for the future.
B-LEG member, Kris Evans said, “By adopting a Climate Emergency Declaration, BCBC would join other pioneering councils in leading the way.
“We simply cannot afford to hand this problem down to our children. By then it will be too late.”
Supporting the B-LEG group, Sustainable Wales Trustee, Peter Morgan commented: “People from all walks of life, especially the young, are waking up to the disturbing immediacy of the climate emergency, and of the urgent need for action.
Director Sustainable Wales, Margaret Minhinnick added: “Are we planning for a realistic future, one that must be carbon-neutral, renewable and sustainable? Or are we still living in the past, and planning for a carbon-based, consumerist and high waste economy?”
Download the full document Climate Change Declaration
Page 4 of the document enclosed suggests what a Climate Emergency declaration might look like.
The Bridgend Local Energy Group was established by the charity https://www.sustainablewales.org.uk/ to explore options for developing local, community-based low carbon energy initiatives. This occurred with the support of RENEW Wales after a series of engagement activities in 2017 stimulating awareness and highlighted by Sustainable Wales’ production Shine a Light? campaign, https://www.sustainablewales.org.uk/shine-light.
Sustainable Wales - Cymru Gynaliadwy
Sustainable Wales - Cymru Gynaliadwy is a charity that has been based in Porthcawl and Bridgend County Borough for over twenty years. It is progressive in outlook and aims to encourage behavioural change within the community https://www.sustainablewales.org.uk/
Our mission is to seek solutions for the unsustainable way we live. This involves cultural change and has implications for future generations.
Sustainable Wales’s aim is to help revitalise the local economy. We promote social and environmental progress and are enterprising, creative and internationally aware.
We are committed to society, artistic creativity and the natural world. We work with communities, voluntary groups and government.
We believe in this way we can foster an exciting future that doesn’t cost us the earth.
Sustainable Wales | 5 James Street, Porthcawl, CF36 3BG, UK