Here's some pics of a few of us working with the consultants and staff from BCBC Planning on one of the two days organised to discuss the potential of the public open spaces in the Porthcawl Regeneration Plans. (Included Sustainable Wales, Better Porthcawl, Porthcawl Civic Trust, Shout, Town Council members, Young people from Porthcawl Comp, Vision for the Future of Porthcawl, Porthcawl Chamber of Trade)
The event was very positive and encouraging. Lots of ideas and suggestions emerged and we felt that all things are being considered at this stage. Further wider public consultation will be in the Stage Door, Pavilion in early March ( planned for the 8th I think)
The map and the walk around the whole site was excellent.
Obviously over the years we have challenged for low carbon developments, zero carbon housing, houses as power stations, design for car and bike sharing schemes, biodiversity considerations etc.
Co-production is always a big feature of course. This wasn't quite what we meant but better than we were experiencing.