Prior to going to the Stakeholder Engagement Workshop with Bridgend County Borough Council, the Better Porthcawl Group came together to discuss what we thought would be best use for the open space in Porthcawl. We played a game of consequences to come up with a consensus to put forward to the council at the workshop. Written below is the brief and the thought-clouds as a result of the consequences game.
Better Porthcawl Brief for Open Spaces:
Better Porthcawl main objectives for the Open Spaces within the Regeneration of Porthcawl Seafront are maximising green space, prioritising community wellness (both physical and mental) and ensuring sustainability and eco-living.
Porthcawl Placemaking Startery May 2022: Planned Public Open Spaces
Better Porthcawl has been chosen as a significant community stakeholder by the regeneration officers of Bridgend County Borough Council. We have been invited to take part in a workshop to engage on the communities desires for the new open spaces of Porthcawl. The proposed areas of open space are shown in the map below (Place Making Strategy, May 2022), with the extension of Griffin Park with the Monster Park, as well as the Linear Park along the current Salk Lake and Eastern Promenade.
Prior to this workshop those involved in Better Porthcawl discussed their needs/wants for the open spaces. A game of consequences was played to find a general consensus between the group. The results of this can be seen on subsequent pages, shown through Thought Clouds. The ideas were sectioned through 6 key wants for the environment, play, live, eat and must do’s and must nots.
The overarching themes were maximising green space, prioritising community wellness (both physical and mental) and insuring sustainability and eco-living.
The group recognised the opportunities for open spaces for new areas of community building such as community gardens, gathering spaces, areas for education and space for an outdoor venue.
The exercise also showed the importance of protecting the natural environment that was already there; the protection of existing trees as well as the relic sand dunes. Increasing and protecting green space was key, the group want to insure the open spaces aids biodiversity and wildlife.
New modern, initiatives for the open space were also discussed such as a state of the art pump track and shipping container space for small independent businesses. Better Porthcawl want the area to be creative and cutting edge, it should stand out in comparison to other parks and recreational areas.
The pricing was another key want for the area, the group want the open space to be a place for all generations to enjoy free of charge.
Finally, the group came up with what the open spaces must not be, Better Porthcawl want to insure the open spaces do not in anyway cause climate change. They must not become heavily industrialised with the use of concrete or hardscaping.
The open spaces, and the regeneration project as a whole, should not take away opportunities for future generations and protect the well being of those yet to be born.