Porthcawl Regeneration - 2025 public engagement response

2025 Regeneration Masterplan (“Porthcawl Waterfront Regeneration”)

(Feedback to be received by BCBC by 28 February 2025).

Read our detailed response

Consultation headline beach image from BCBC

BCBC consultation image from https://porthcawlwaterfront.co.uk/

-to the masterplan proposed at the start of 2025 (blog post of our response with downloadable PDF of the response).

The letter, from Better Porthcawl, represents comment from a number of individuals involved in community groups in Porthcawl, who come together to share opinion, comment and ideas in response to the ‘Porthcawl Waterfront Development’ consultation phases, organised by the Planning Department of BCBC. We do not speak for the whole of Porthcawl.

Click to enlarge

about Better Porthcawl: formation of Better Porthcawl Partnership

From mid 2022 a small group of Porthcawl residents who represent three community groups (the founding team) have been developing a project plan hoping to establish a partnership of local groups in Porthcawl.

the aims are to

1.   ensure that the people of Porthcawl have a greater say in the future of our town, and that what happens to Porthcawl in the next phase of its development, is done by, and with, the people of Porthcawl. That Regeneration is ‘sustainable’ and is developed responding to the climate and ecological emergencies.

2.   that groups are also offered support to develop climate-friendly and sustainable practices, clarifying and sharing ideas and support.

Better Porthcawl Founding team: Margaret Minhinnick, Richard Thomas, Elen Jones (Sustainable Wales and SUSSED), Jamie Strong and Gemma Lewis (A Voice for the Future of Porthcawl)

Better Porthcawl Partnership Updates Blog

what else has Better Porthcawl Partnership been up to?

●     We have written to two Bridgend BCBC cabinet members re: the “Well Being of Future Generations and Communities portfolios”, asking them meet with us and discuss a co-production approach (a way of working to ensure a more democratic and informed way of involving and engaging with the residents and business of Porthcawl). Timetables and commitments have meant that synchronising a meeting has been difficult and this has slowed down the development of Better Porthcawl.

●     Meanwhile Jamie Strong and Margaret Minhinnick each provided three minutes of ‘live’ evidence to BCBC’s scrutiny committee (on Teams) re: the appropriation of land and Sandy Bay. Don Tickner, Porthcawl Civic Trust also spoke. Recording of the whole meeting…

●     Also we are considering joining Co-Pro Cymru which can include training opportunities on the co-production model of democratic involvement and participation, but does cost money.

●     Creating a relationship with the Bridgend PSB secretary (Public Service Board) 

●     Applied for grants and successfully receiving funding from the Postcode Lottery to recruit a local development officer who has supported our activities along with other issues on climate change and sustainability matters. The post funding has now concluded.

Funding support from People’s Postcode Lottery


On 20th July 2021 the Council’s Cabinet made an “in principle” decision to appropriate approximately 19.84 hectares of land at Sandy Bay and Griffin Park to alternative uses, to deliver the regeneration of Porthcawl’s waterfront in accordance with the Local Development Plan and recently approved Placemaking Strategy. Before formally appropriating the land, the Council is required to publicise a notice of its intention to appropriate the land and consider any representations received before reaching a final decision.


See full map below

56 acres of Sandy bay was compulsory purchased in 1948 - for the purposes of public walks, pleasure and recreation grounds.

It is currently held in trust for this purpose; the appropriation is required to change its purpose from that listed to make it available for development.

BCBC Cabinet agreed in July 2020 to jointly market and dispose of all this land including this 56 acres of Sandy Bay and coney Beach funfair site to developers.

The original response deadline was extended to 21 July 2022


Use this BCBC link to add your views in writing via email or letter.

Regeneration of Porthcawl

Regeneration of Porthcawl, Seafront

our response was…

Sustainable Wales Cymru Gynaliadwy and SUSSED Community Cooperative’s overall position regarding the regeneration of Porthcawl is that any development responds to the climate and ecological emergency and is carbon neutral as indicated in our previous contributions to Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC).

We would also add that there should remain plenty of family open space in land developments. Space that as residents we do not have to pay entry for.

Sustainable Wales and SUSSED are not against the development of Porthcawl, indeed we welcome it, having been a long-time coming!

However, many local voices are telling us that they have significant concerns over the quantity of housing, the increase in infrastructure and services that will be then required, cars and parking, the lack of open space and indeed the urbanization of the town. Their fears are increased by the acquisition of the land proposal above.

Introduction to the response - read in full here

The original report by Sustainable Wales (opens in a new tab or window, PDF) on the early proposals for regeneration: “Will ‘Salt Lake’ be a Low-Carbon Community?”

Click to enlarge this explanation map

Click to enlarge

the overall regeneration

These images can be downloaded as a zipped file, see below.

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download Documents

2022 Response by Sustainable Wales and SUSSED to the Appropriation of Land in Porthcawl

Download the response document as a PDF 3.3mb

Original Report by Sustainable Wales on the Regeneration Proposals

Download the report as a PDF 2.1mb

Download Images and plans seen on this page Zipped file 7.3mb

Notice of Appropriation proposed (BCBC) 6 June 2022

Previous Blog Posts on Porthcawl Regeneration