On the hottest day of the year this summer a number of young girls and a former student from Porthcawl Comprehensive took part in the production of a colourful short film aimed at encouraging volunteering.
The film ‘Every Little Thing’ supports the Fairtrade movement and particularly ethical retailer SUSSED. (Welsh version at end of post). Please share this film widely and contact us if you wish to use in schools.
SUSSED is here to support people to make ethical and environmental choices when they shop, helping use spending power to change the world for the better, whilst redefining values of trade-justice and fairness, environmental protection and as such offering an important additional way to exert influence.

Shopping local and ethical spending has continued to grow in the UK at the same time as conventional market counterparts have faltered.
The enterprise also adds to the range of independent shops in Porthcawl - vital to maintain a diverse, interesting high street and strengthen the local economy whilst offering a ‘hub’ for community activity.
However, according to `’The Ethical Consumer Report 2017’ shopping locally has grown by 5.4% nationally.Overall, the value of UK ethical spending grew by 3.2% to £81.3 billion, its highest total so far with spending shown to be strengthening at the same time as many of its conventional market counterparts have faltered.
More information: https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/sites/default/files/inline-files/ec%20markets%20report%202017.pdf
Some of the film funding came from BAVO (Bridgend Association for Voluntary Organisations). The grant was to specifically encourage volunteering.
Screenplay: Lowri Powis, Shauna Gamble; (who were running a fairtrade shop in their school for this last year)
Mrs Allison Felton, had assisted the students, to develop a script during break times last term.
Direction: Sustainable Wales
Filming and Editing: Park6Productions
Funding: BAVO (Bridgend Association Voluntary Organisations) and Sustainable Wales.
EXTRAS : Isobel Comley, Libby Geddes, Ella Hunt, Amy Thomson + Manchester Uni Fashion student Isobel Overton.