Parc Solar Caenewydd update

Here is a summary of some of the key re-consultation documents and their update.

Background here (earlier post)


Parc solar Aerial

“On 12 June 2024, the applicant submitted additional information to support the planning application which comprised a number of varied plans and documents together with new plans and documents.   

PEDW is now reconsulting on additional information and if any party wishes to make any further representations, solely in relation to the additional information, then they may do so by no later than 29th July 2024.  Representations should be submitted directly to PEDW at” Parc Solar

More information and the full library of re-consultation documents are available at Parc Solar Caenewydd.

Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP)
Updated response to the comments received from Swansea Council Highways and includes minor widening of the farm access from the roundabout to minimise impact of construction traffic.
Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan (oCEMP)
Responding to comments from Natural Resources Wales. The document explains commitments towards securing specific mitigation measures and best working practices to adequately protect habitats and species and environmental resources during the construction phase of the proposed development, including potential impacts on human receptors. The oCEMP also sets out details on the construction working approach, including details on proposed working hours, construction compounds, control of lighting, management of vehicle movements, wheel washing facilities and waste removal.

Outline Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (oLEMP)
Further responds to the comments received from Natural Resources Wales. This provides details and information on the management of the proposed enhancements/mitigation, and the delivery of this management for the lifetime of the proposed scheme to facilitate the increase in biodiversity value of the site once the construction is completed.

Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA)
The AIA has been updated to take account of the minor adjustments to the proposed layout (panels, fencing, cable route) around the Ancient Woodland.
Green Infrastructure Statement (GIS)
In order to accommodate changes to Welsh planning policy which were enacted during the course of this planning application, a Green Infrastructure Statement was submitted. It summarises the various elements of green infrastructure that have been incorporated into the proposals from project inception, throughout design and will be secured for the lifetime of the proposed development.
The GIS sets out the step-wise approach which is a part of the Welsh policy, emphasising the importance of having a well-positioned and considered development, which uses land not otherwise constrained by ecological, local and heritage designations. At Parc Solar Caenewydd, this has been undertaken by ensuring that adverse environmental impacts have been firstly avoided during the site selection process, then minimised in the design of the proposals, and finally mitigated by delivering a 21% biodiversity net gain on site.
Landscape Strategy (LS)

The LS drawing has been updated to take account of the minor adjustments to the proposed layout.

Collaborative Benefits Report Addendum

This provides an update on the discussions with Gower Power for the community ownership aspect of the project which includes the latest draft of the Memorandum of Understanding.

Sustainable Wales’ Response letter: (Download pdf)