Better Porthcawl are inviting all school pupils to take part in our Vision for Open Space Competition and be in with the chance of winning 2 CINEMA TICKETS!! The deadline for the competition is the 24th of March!!
We are asking you to submit a plan that shows what YOU would like to see the community open spaces, as outlined in the council's regeneration plans, used for. We will except any medium of entry from a scribble on paper to a video, so get creative!
Ruth Jones via the Guardian Photograph: Chris McAndrew/Camera Press/Chris McAndrew
All entries will be passed on to the council so they can see all the ideas you have to transform YOUR town. Some very special judges will decide on the winning plan… Councillor Neelo Farr, the BCBC cabinet member for regeneration and THE RUTH JONES aka Nessa!
Below is the map from the council showing where the proposed open spaces are going to be. The key areas we are looking at are:
the Linear Park (along the eastern prom. represented by the number 1)
Griffin Park extension into the Monster Park (represented by the number 5)
And the Sand Dunes on the right hand side of Sandy Bay
Let your imagination run wild!! No idea is wrong in our eyes and they might just be used for the inspiration for the actual designs by the council. Here at Better Porthcawl we believe if you don't ask, you don't get. So let's get asking. This is the town in which you'll grow it's important you're happy with it!
Here are some questions you might want to consider before you get started:
What activity would you like to do in Porthcawl?
What are your hobbies?
Where do you like to play and how could it be better?
Where have you been on holiday that had really great open space?
What would you like to protect that already exists in Porthcawl?
What about the weather? How will it affect your plans? What about spaces for a rainy day?
Below are some of our ideas which might spark some of yours…