Sustainable Wales promotes, explains and supports fairtrade.
Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.
A fair and secure price to the producer Pris teg a diogel i’r cynhyrchydd
No child labour Dim llafur plant
Safe working conditions Amodau gwaith diogel
Protection for the environment Amddiffyniad i’r amgylchedd
Rights for women Hawliau i fenywod
A social premium Premiwm cymdeithasol
The number of ethical labels is growing, but Fairtrade remains unique. While other schemes aim to ‘protect the environment’ or ‘enable companies to trace their coffee’, Fairtrade’s focus is to support farmers and workers to improve the quality of their lives and take more control over their futures.
Volunteer Rhys in a fairtrade banana suit!
Fairtrade issues are highlighted every year with Fairtrade Fortnight
Fairtrade Fortnight
Fairtrade Fortnight 2025 will take place 22 September – 05 October
Once again the UK will be celebrating the difference we can all make when we choose Fairtrade and campaign as part of the global fair trade movement.
Bydd Pythefnos Masnach Deg 2025 yn cael ei gynnal rhwng 22 Medi – 05 Hydref.
Unwaith eto, bydd y DU yn dathlu’r gwahaniaeth y gallwn ni i gyd ei wneud wrth ddewis Masnach Deg ac ymgyrchu fel rhan o fudiad masnach deg byd-eang.
Former projects
Bridgend Fairtrade Partnership
Members have campaigned and achieved fair trade status for the borough of Bridgend, South Wales.
Fairtrade events
Events hosted by Sustainable Wales or other organisations, promoting fairtrade and ethical shopping.